Coconut Oil - brain food? A lot of information on coconut oil is on the Internet. Sorting out the good from the bad is difficult as usual. The subject is very controversial. More research is needed, and that is happening. Researchers are looking into the possibility of using coconut oil as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis and ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Unfortunately, the processed food industry is heavily funding (and has for years) some of this research, making the outcome suspect, if not just plain confusing.
Coconut oil's benefit in keeping the brain healthy, is probably the most exciting for those of us on the south slope of life. Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease: This is an in depth study on the subject. There are lots of references of scientific data to back up the claims. As well there are numerous supporting links for further study and verification. A more balanced discussion is offered here: My personal take: a moderate amount is quite likely beneficial in some way, certainly not harmful. I like the taste, so I enjoy about a tablespoon a day in my fresh salad. General information: The taste is nutty and sweet, very typical of coconut. If you like coconut, and most people do, you'l love coconut oil. Make sure you are buying organic oil. Coconut oil processed by other methods can be greatly degraded. Costco has organic virgin coconut oil in 64 oz. jars at $20.99. More health benefits of coconut oil? |